Under the vision of the late Sheikhul Hadees-0- Tafseer Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mohammad ZarWali Khan رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ (May God have mercy on him) and the sheer guidance of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mohammad Anwar Shah (Damat Barkatuhumul Aliya), AL- Ahsan Islamic School was founded in 2013 out of a sense of the absolute necessity for an Akhirah-oriented modern educational institution in this day of superior technology.
Alhamdulillah, thanks to successful and ongoing efforts, Al Ahsan Islamic School currently enjoys a recognized reputation and is regarded as one of the best institutions offering high-quality instruction in a Muslim setting.
Our mission is to create harmony between social requirements and Islamic principles.
We are happy to have a team of qualified administration, driven instructors, and encouraging parents working together today with a shared goal for the development of the institution.
Grooming of the Muslim Ummah’s future generations under the direction of knowledgeable Islamic scholars, educators, and experts.
Delivering high-quality instruction in a Muslim setting.

Aims and Values
All staff at AL- Ahsan Islamic School strive to collaborate with the institution’s students and their parents in order to carry out its objective. High importance is given to behavior and Islamic values. We have established norms for behavior and demand excellent morals and ethics from everyone as dictated by our faith. We teach them to be truthful, respectful, understanding, and polite. At each level, we strive to offer a comprehensive and balanced curriculum that links prior knowledge to current experiences and encourages self-directed learning.