Introduction to the Jam’iah:
Jamie Arabia Ahsan Al Uloom is one of the premier centres of Islamic education in Karachi, Pakistan. The seminary was founded by the late Shaykh al Hadith wa At tafseer, Mufti Muhammad Zarwali Khan (ra) in 1978. Since that time, the seminary has been active in dispersing islamic knowledge throughout the ummah. It has done this through the teaching of the famous islamic education syllabus Darse Nizami, and has produced thousands of scholars – under the guidance of Mufti Muhammad ZarWali Khan (ra). The Dress e nizami includes the study of : Tafsir (exegesis), Hadith (prophetic narration), Fiqh (islamic jurisprudence), Usool al Fiqh (principles of jurisprudence), ilm al adab (arabic literature), mantiq (islamic logic), falsafa (philosophy), and Uloom al arabia (arabic sciences). The main objective of the seminary’s to produce well grounded, capable scholars who can be pillars for the ummah. As of right now, there are roughly 1200 students across all of the different branches of the Jami’iah. The students’s necessities includes boarding, lodging, food, books, and a monthly stipedents. All of these expanses are taken care of through the generous donations that we receive in the forms of Zakat and Sadaqat.
The seminary also offers Hifz( Quran memorization), Nadhira( Quran reading) along with education from grades 1 to 8.
The seminary also offers a Takhassus fi al-iftah program which is equivalent to a Phd.

Brief intro of Founder:
The seminary’s founder, Shaykh al Hadith wa al Tafsir Mufti Muhammad Zarwali Khan was born in the year 1954 in the village Janghira. Mufti Zarwali began to take interest in islamic sciences at a young age. He began his studies with Shaykh Abd al Mannan and shaykh lutfullah jan – who was a graduate of the famous Dar Al Uloom Deoband. After finishing the early stages of his studies, Mufti Zarwali travelled to the famous Allama Binnori Town in Karachi to study with the shuyukh there. He proceeded to graduate from this prestigious seminary in 1977, and was by the grace of Allah able to take immense benefit from the scholars there, including the likes of; Shaykh Yusuf Al Binnori, Mufti Wali Hasan Khan Tonki, Mufti Ahmed Ur Rehman, Shaykh Idrees Al Mirati and others alhamdulillah. Mufti Zarwali at the behest of his teacher, Mufti Wali Hasan founded this seminary; Jamia Arabia Ahsan Al Uloom in Gulshan e Iqbal, Karachi. By the grace of Allah, Mufti Zarwali had gained immense acceptance from his teachers, and his peers, in terms of his knowledge. He has been described by many scholars, as “a mountain of knowledge”, along with his knowledge, he had been blessed by Allah with righteous actions, and strict adherence to the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah (prophetic tradition). Shaykh was also blessed to have had ijazaat (prophetic chains of narrations) from not only the scholars of Pakistan, but scholars from the Arab world as well, the likes of Shaykh Abd Al Fattah Abu Ghuddah, and Shaykh Al Alawi Al Maliki, may Allah have mercy on them. Mufti Zarwali (ra) passed away in December of 2020, however he has left behind a tremendous legacy of ilm (knowledge), adab (etiquette) and a’maaal (righteous deeds).
Senior Faculty Members of the Seminary:
Mufti Muhammad Anwar Shah
Maulana Inayatullah Khan
Maulana Sohail Ahmed
Mufti Abd Al Shakour
Maulana Lal Marjan
Maulana Zubair Ahmed
Maulana Muhammad Yasin
Maulana Fazl E Rabbi
The dar ul iftah garners questions from all around the world which are analyzed and answered by an elite panel of scholars who have decades of experience in researching and answering the questions.
Department of Internet:
The ja Miah also has a dedicated department of internet where the late Shykh al Hadith al Tafsir Hazrat Mufti Zarwali khan’s classes of Tafsir and Hadiths are reuploaded along with the rest of the books covered the dars e nizami.
Dar at Tasneef ( Department of publications and monthly magazines):
The Ja miah publishes magazine every month which includes important discussions for the common people as well as scholars and students of knowledge.
Daurah Tafseer:
During the holidays, the Ja miah conducts what is known as “ Laura e Tafseer”; in which the entire Quran is explained, commented upon. This program reaches the entire nation, as well as the rest of the world for the betterment of the common people, scholars, students of knowledge. By the grace of Allah, Mufti Muhammad Zarwali khan began this initiative over 40 years ago. This program runs from 15th of Shaban till the end of Ramadan.
Necessary Clarifications:
An important appeal to the readers we strongly urge that you all assist the Ja miah through your Zakat, Sadaqat, Fitrat, and ritual slaughters. Through this Insha’Allah you will be rewarded in this world and the hereafter.